If you have bought a ticket but didn’t use it, you may be entitled to a refund. Some ticket types do not qualify for refunds, but we will make this clear to you when you buy your ticket.

Advanced tickets - These are non-refundable tickets. 

Flexible tickets - These are tickets are refundable.

When trains are disrupted
If your train is delayed or cancelled before you start your journey, you may decide not to travel. In these cases we will give you a full refund for the unused part of your ticket if you return it immediately to any National Rail ticket office or via Customer Relations within 28 days expiry of the ticket.

If your train is delayed or cancelled part way through your journey, and we cannot get you to your destination or other agreed location within a reasonable time, you may decide to terminate your journey with us and return to your original station. We will give you a full refund for your disrupted journey if you return your ticket immediately to any National Rail ticket office or via Customer Relations within 28 days expiry of the ticket.

When trains are running normally
If your train is running as normal and you still decide not to make your journey, you may make a claim for a refund for some ticket types. You must submit your claim within 28 days expiry of the ticket and a £10 administration fee may be charged. In this case, some ticket types (including Advance tickets) are non-refundable.

If you bought the ticket at a National Rail station you can return it to any National Rail ticket office.
If you bought it online, please follow the refund instructions given on the website you used.
If you bought it from a third party, such as a Travel Agent, please return it to them.

In all cases, your refund application will be processed as soon as possible, and a refund paid within a maximum of one month.